This IVT Board was established in terms of Section 6 of the Industrial and Vocational Training Act No. 16 of 1982. The mandate of the Board is to consider and advise the Minister on any matter affecting Industrial and Vocational Training referred to the Board by the Minister. The Board may, on its own volition, investigate or make recommendations to the Minister or issue directions on any matter connected with Industrial and Vocational Training, including:

  • Measures considered necessary by the Board to ensure an adequate supply of trained manpower in all sectors of employment in Eswatini;
  • Steps to be taken to improve the quality and efficiency of Industrial and Vocational Training;
  • The establishment, review and maintenance of a system or systems of tests in respect of any trade or occupation and for the granting of certificates of efficiency to, and the making of reports upon persons who enter such tests;
  • The protection and promotion of the welfare of Apprentices and Trainees;
  • Measures to ensure that the cost of apprenticeship and other training are shared equitably among employers;
  • The investigation, and where possible, the settlement of any dispute or other matter arising out of a contract which may be referred to the Board by the Director of DIVT;
  • The performance of such duties and functions in regard to Industrial and Vocational Training as the Minister may direct.

This Board is also tripartite in nature in that it is composed of representatives from Government (3), Labour Federations (3) and Employer Federations (3). It is chaired by an Independent Chairperson or his/her Deputy, appointed by the Minister after consultation with the organizations of employers and employees, respectively. The secretariat comes from the DIVT.